Middleton.Ĭlick a link for information related to TreePlan, SensIt, and SimVoi. You will be able to download the software ZIP file several minutes after you complete the purchase.Įxcept where noted below, the following PDF files are selected chapters from an unpublished manuscript, Decision Analysis Using Microsoft Excel, by Michael R. To buy a license with a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee, browse to the product page for TreePlan, SensIt, SimVoi, or ToolKits. SimVoi Monte Carlo simulation and value-of-information add-in SensIt sensitivity analysis and tornado chart add-in To download a PDF or XLSX file, click a link shown below.
To evaluate our add-ins, please download and examine the PDF Guide file and the XLSX Example file. Download Add-in Guides and Examples TreePlan ®, SensIt ®, and SimVoi ®